About Us

Hey there, fellow adventurers! We’re Niko and Allison, a creative duo living on the beautiful West Coast. Crafting and creating have been our passion for as long as we can remember, and we’re thrilled to share our creations with you on Etsy.

Meet Niko (aka Zenifi):
At 31, Niko is the jack-of-all-trades in our creative venture. From designing 3D prints that bring fantastical worlds to life to crafting stunning paintings that evoke emotion and imagination, Niko’s talents know no bounds. If you’re looking for unique and meticulously crafted items, you’re in the right place.

Meet Allison (aka Gh0start.Loot):
Allison, 29, is the mastermind behind our enchanting dice creations. Under the alias Gh0start.Loot, she’s been delighting dice enthusiasts on Instagram with her exquisite craftsmanship. You can explore her full collection at store.gh0start.com, where every roll of the dice tells a story.

Our Crafting Journey:
Our journey in crafting has been an adventure in itself, and it’s led us to Etsy, where we’re excited to showcase our range of skills. From spellbinding dice sets that spark your tabletop games to 3D prints that transport you to other realms, and paintings that capture moments of wonder, our creations are a labor of love.

What to Expect:
When you shop with us, expect attention to detail, dedication to quality, and a passion for the craft. We believe that every piece we create has a story to tell and a journey to embark upon with you. Feel free to message us with any questions, comments, concerns, or even if you want a commission of some sort.

Thank you for joining us on this creative odyssey. Feel free to reach out with any questions or just to chat about your latest gaming campaign. We’re here to make your adventures more magical.

Stay inspired,
Niko and Allison